Mumbai: Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt, who recently completed shooting for Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Gully Boy’ starring Ranveer Singh, is all set to start working on her next project.
As per the sources, Alia confirmed working with director Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, who according to her, is one of the most amazing directors in Bollywood.
However, she has asked her fans to wait for an official announcement on this project. The versatile actress had started making serious films but said that her next is a fun character and audience can expect some great entertainment.
Her movie ‘Raazi’, released last week, is doing well at the box office. She had been promoting it throughout and the success seems to reveal the hard work.
The movie is based on the story of an Indian spy, Sehmat, who gets married to Pakistan’s Iqbal and the story unfolds various mysteries.