New Delhi: Continuing her tirade against the list of ‘unparliamentary’ words issued by the Lok Sabha Secretariat, Trinamool Lok Sabha MP Mahua Moitra on Thursday said she would come up with replacements for words considered unparliamentary now.
On Thursday, Mahua Moitra said the word sexual harassment should be replaced by ‘Mr Gogoi’. On Friday, the Trinamool MP added another one to the list and said ‘eyewash’ should be considered unparliamentary and be replaced with ‘Amritkaal’, news agency PTI reported.
It may be recalled that a 50-page compilation of words deemed unfit for use in Parliament was given to the MPs ahead of the Monsoon session beginning on July 18. The list includes words like jumlajeevi, baal buddhi, covid spreader, snoopgate, anarchist, ashamed, abused, betrayed, corrupt, drama, hypocrisy, incompetent, shakuni, dictatorial, taanashah, jaichand, vinash purush, khalistani, khoon se kheti, dohra charitra, behri sarkar, dhindora peetna, kala din, ahankaar, ghadiyali ansu etc.