Mumbai: Amruta Fadnavis, wife of Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, has filed a complaint with police against an acquaintance, Aniksha, who she alleged tried to bribe her with Rs 1 crore to intervene in a criminal case involving her father.
Fadnavis told the police that the woman claimed to be a “designer of clothes, jewellery and footwear”, according to a report in The Indian Express. She initially contacted her in November 2021 and sent video clips, voice notes and messages from an unknown number on February 18 and 19.
Aniksha initially requested her to wear products designed by her at public events to help promote her clothes, jewellery and footwear
According to the FIR, Aniksha contacted Fadnavis at 9.30 pm on February 16 and told her about her father being accused in a case and offered Rs 1 crore if she saved him. “As soon as I heard that, I disconnected the phone call and blocked her number,” she said in her statement to the police.