Cuttack: Another video of Amarendra Pratap Swain alias Vivky, nephew of Agriculture Minister ARD Ranendra Pratap Swain, showing him misbehaving with a woman has gone viral.
The video shows the woman, driving a vehicle, meeting an accident with Vicky. Though nobody is injured in the incident, an agitated Vicky is shown scolding her. Even as the gets down from the vehicle and begs apology for her mistake, he continues to call her names and follows her to the vehicle mouthing foul words.
In earlier viral video, 35-year-old Vicky was shown forcing a young man to kneel over down near Pratap Nagari locality in Cuttack. It showed a group of 10 persons assaulting the youth following an argument about overtaking their vehicle and then forcing him to kneel down.
When a local, identified as Nirmal Swain, tried to intervene, he was also assaulted by the group following which he filed a complaint on basis of which police lodged a case and verified CCTV footage.
Police arrested Vicky on Saturday and produced him before Cuttack Sadar SDJM court on Sunday. The court forwarded him to judicial custody for 14 days. He is now lodged in Chowdwar Circle Jail.
According to police sources, as many as 14 cases are pending against Vicky in different police stations. Of those, 8 cases have been filed at Cuttack Sadar police station.