New Delhi: In another setback for the Television industry, Anupamaa actor Nitesh Pandey has died at the age of 51 due to a cardiac arrest. He was in Igatpuri in Mumbai at the time of his death. He was a known face in Indian television for the last 25 years and played the role of Dheeraj Kapoor in Rupali Ganguly’s hit TV show Anupamaa. He also starred in Om Shanti Om opposite Shah Rukh Khan.
Nitesh Pandey began doing theatre in 1990. In 1995, he acted in Tejas in which he played a detective. He worked in serials like Manzilein Apani Apani, Astitva…Ek Prem Kahani, Saaya, Justajoo and Durgesh Nandini. He also worked in films including Om Shanti Om and Badhaai Do. Not only that, he also ran an independent production house named Dream Castle Productions. His performance in Khosla Ka Ghosla was noteworthy. He was last seen in Anupamaa and Pyar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyara Pyara.
Nitesh hailed from Almora Kumaon in Uttrakhand and was married to actress Arpita Pandey whom he met on a TV show, Justajoo. They got married in 2003. Nitesh was also previously married to actress Ashwini Kalsekar.