Bengaluru: In an outrageous incident, Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) officials seized 140 kg of high-grade marijuana which app-based food delivery persons supplied to doorsteps in Bengaluru.
Eight persons, including the gang leader, were arrested.
Amit Gawate, zonal director of NCB’s Bengaluru unit, said that based on information, they caught two Bengaluru residents receiving eight boxes of the contraband from a courier vehicle and loading those in a car.
On examining the boxes, high-grade ganja was found packed in paper packets wrapped with adhesive tapes. About 137 kg of ganja was seized from their possession.
NCB officials later raided residences of the accused and recovered Rs 4.81 lakh worth of cash.
Another raid led to recovery of 3 kg ganja packed in small packets and cash worth Rs 39,000.
A delivery boy, the contraband supplier and three others were taken into custody on Friday. Three more persons were arrested near Shivamogga in Karnataka following a high-speed chase.
The traffickers booked consignments through couriers by providing addresses of non-functional shops and other business establishments.