Berhampur: Over a week after a postgraduate student brought assault charge against seniors, the MKCG Medical College and Hospital in Odisha’s Berhampur city on Sunday terminated the services of an assistant professor and three senior residents.
As per the order issued by the office of the Dean and Principal of the medical college, a second year PG student was also debarred from the hostel for six months.
The action was taken as per the decision taken in the College Council meeting held on December 23 and the direction received from the Director of Medical Education and Training (DMET).
The order stated that four doctors – an assistant professor and three senior residents – are terminated from their services with immediate effect on disciplinary ground.
All the doctors against whom action was taken have been directed to vacate the hostel within two days.
According to the order, services of assistant professor Purushottam Swain and senior residents Aryan Kumar Mohanty, Chinmay Pradhan and Yashwant Veera were terminated. Similarly, PG student Priyajeet Sahoo has been debarred from the hostel for six months.
It may be recalled that a PG student of the college had alleged that he was assaulted by senior residents in the hostel. The PG student had also lodged a complaint at Baidyanathpur Police Station in the city.
In his complaint, the PG student has accused around five of his senior residents of having physically assaulted him. The authorities conducted an investigation into the incident.