Sundargarh: Six days after the drowning incident involving two engineering students, the district administration on Saturday declared Badalgiri waterfall near Saplata village of Gurundia block in Bonai sub-division of Odisha’s Sundargarh district as a restricted zone.
Briefing the media, Bonai sub-collector Pradip Kumar Dang said that a prohibitory order restricting entry of public to the site has been issued
The local police and the Forest officials have been asked to keep a strict vigil on the entry of people to the area, he said.
“Unfortunately, two engineering students drowned while bathing in the waterfall last week. Following which, locals demanded that the place be declared as a restricted zone. After discussions with Bonai DFO, we have shut the place,” Dang said.
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The range officer of Sola forest has been asked to immediately barricade the waterfall area, he added.