Puri: The revered deities of Shree Jagannath Temple in Odisha’s Puri embarked on their return journey, which is also called Bahuda Yatra, on Wednesday, bringing an end to their nine-day annual sojourn.
The three chariots, carrying Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra, rolled down the Grand Road around 1 pm, 3 hours ahead of the schedule, after Charamala Phita and other rituals, including ‘Chhera Panhara’ by Puri Gajapati Maharaja Dibyasingha Deb, were completed.
The Pahandi ritual commenced around 8.20 am as Lord Sudarsan was taken to the Debadalana chariot of Devi Subhadra. Lord Balabhadra’s Pahandi was then escorted to Taladhwaja around 8.50 am. The Pahandi of Devi Subhadra started around 9 am and that of Lord Jagannath around 9.30 am.
During the homeward journey, the Nadighosha of Lord Jagannath will make a brief halt at Mausi Maa temple, where Poda Pitha is offered on His chariot.
Also Read: Bahuda Yatra: Lord Jagannath’s ‘Poda Pitha’ Break At Mausi Maa In Odisha’s Puri; The Legends
After reaching the 12th-century shrine, three deities will spend the night on the chariots where all the rituals will be performed. They will appear in ‘Sunabesha’ (gold attire) for darshan of the devotees the following day.
After the ‘Aadhar Pana’ (a special drink) ritual on June 30, the deities will enter Jagannath Temple in ‘Niladri Bije’ which will mark the end of Rath Yatra, on July 1.