Bhubaneswar Civic Body Reveals The Name Of 5th COVID-19 Patient; Know Why

Bhubaneswar: Giving primacy to public interest, the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BCM) on Friday revealed the name and details of the fifth COVID-19 patient and urged people who have been in contact with him to remain in home quarantine.

BMC Commissioner Prem Chandra Chaudhary said that it was done to identify the contacts and check further spread of the virus. “His identity has been revealed with an intention to safeguard the public who have come in contact with him since March 1,” he added.

According to the BMC press release, Pradipta Kumar Dalabehera, who is the fifth COVID-19 patient, is a resident of  Plot No 37. Unit-7, Ward No 46, Surya Nagar, Bhubaneswar.

He has no travel history.

“Those public who have been in contact with him shall keep themselves to home quarantine forthwith for 14 days from the date of contact and inform/register about such quarantine in the helpline No 104,” it said.

The notification also warned people against indulging in any act of social discrimination against Dalabehera and his family members. “Any violation of the same shall be
punishable under section 188 IPC and the relevant provision of Epidemic Disease 1897,” it added.

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