Bhubaneswar: Even as Balasore police have claimed to have solved the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) exam question paper leak case with the arrest of the mastermind and 16 others, the BJP on Friday demanded that the investigation be handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
“If the state government has moral courage and wants to come clean then the case should be handed over the probe to the CBI without a minute delay. It is all the more important since future of job aspirants is at stake,” said Odisha BJP Chief Manmohan Samal.
He further said that the party would look for alternative ways to ensure that the CBI probes this paper leak case if the government decides otherwise. “A probe by the central agency will help reveal whether it is a inter-state racket or official in Odisha are involved in it,” he added.
In its counter, the ruling BJD said the government has zero tolerance to such crimes and it has never compromised on the future of students and job aspirants. “The BJP is trying to play politics over the paper leak since they have nothing else to talk about,” said BJD leader Dhruba Sahoo.
Notably, Balasore SP Sagarika Nath had ruled out the involvement of OSSC employees in the question paper leak. The question paper was leaked from a printing press in West Bengal, and the mastermind was working as a divisional accountant in the AG’s office in Patna, she said, adding that those arrested from Odisha were working as middlemen.