New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday released a cartoon series ‘Dilli Ka Ladka’ aimed at “exposing the failures” of the Arvind Kejriwal government, a week ahead of the civic body poll.
“Compared to the AAP government’s paid campaign, this creative cartoon will talk about the work of municipal corporations ruled by the BJP and expose Kejriwal’s propaganda,” BJP’s MCD poll campaign committee convener Ashish Sood said.
The cartoon series will be posted on various social media platforms to make it viral ahead of the poll.
The election to 250 wards of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) will be held on December 4.
गरीबों के सपने का सम्मान हुआ,
जहां झुग्गी थी, वहां मकान हुआ।— BJP Delhi (@BJP4Delhi) November 27, 2022