Koraput: A woman, who was placed in a COVID-19 quarantine centre under Jeypore block here after her return from Andhra Pradesh, gave birth to a baby boy late on Wednesday...
Jeypore: Jepore police felicitated two adolescent boys, Sanjay Pujari and Kisan Majhi, for saving a person from drowning in a canal here on Friday. According to sources, the ITI students...
Jeypore: More and more women all over the country are proving that what men can do, women can too, sometimes even better. While all-women petrol pumps and women working at...
Jeypore: A special squad of police on Friday arrested Koraput District Education Officer (DEO) Pramod Panda on charges of abetting Chittaranjan Panda’s suicide. Chittaranjan, a teacher, was found hanging at...