Lockdown is shifting the world into the pause mode. With little activity to chew up time, days are longer. As you reconnect to everything that work, commute and other survival...
While large number of Indians will hopefully follow Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s request and clap their hands, ring bells or beat plates for 5 minutes at 5 pm during the...
As the Corona horror story unfolds with by-now predictable turns and half of humanity stays in confinement at homes burdened with the feeling of hopelessness, what catches the eye is...
The coronavirus pandemic has created unique concerns for caregivers and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. How can they go into self-isolation? According to the Centre for Disease Control...
The House Sparrow, once an integral part of our immediate environment, all but disappeared almost two decades ago. These common birds, that lived in the cavities of our houses and polished...
When the COVID19 pandemic fear has emptied streets globally with institutions, private and public, asking their employees to work from home, there is one group that is unitedly and incessantly...
What are you saying? What social distance? When social media was fermenting in-person social distance, corona accentuated it. For a long time to come, there would be an inherent fear...
In its dying days, the once mighty Mughal Empire resembled the Congress of today. The problems of incompetent royal leadership, a self-obsessed faction-ridden nobility and uncontrollable provincial leaders combined with...
The statesman's life is nothing short of a full-bodied feature film. It could have been a blockbuster. Perhaps the only superman, who ever lived. Many have started working on such...
Chivalry in real life and real-life situations has always been rare. When you decide to renounce a business empire and plunge into nation building, you not only get into the...