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New Delhi: Despite being curable to some extent, cancer still remains one of the deadliest diseases, especially when the tumourous cells jump into the blood and infect another organ. A...
Read moreDetailsBhubaneswar: Dostarlimab holds bright hope for treatment of cancer in future considering its success at preliminary trial stage now, according to medical experts. Speaking at a panel discussion on "Cancer...
Read moreDetailsBhubaneswar: Leading digital news platforms Odisha Bytes and Odisha Sambad are for the first time organizing ‘Sushruta: The Health Conclave’ on June 30, 2022 (Thursday) at Mayfair Convention in Bhubaneswar. Odisha’s...
Read moreDetailsNew Delhi: A simple and safe balance can decide how long you will live. So, if you have not tried to stand on one leg for 10 seconds in your...
Read moreDetailsNew Delhi: A team of IIT Roorkee scientists has developed a dopamine sensor to detect neurological diseases like schizophrenia and Parkinson’s at an early stage. The findings were recently published...
Read moreDetailsMen who smoke have more than one reason 'not to smoke' apart from respiratory diseases and cancers of the lungs and throat. The finding of this study focuses on male...
Read moreDetailsNew Delhi: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has issued a set of fresh guidelines for Type 1 Diabetes management, including insulin storage and mixing, and directions for needle...
Read moreDetailsNew Delhi: The sun is blazing. The temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius in many parts of the country. According to State of India’s Environment In figures, 2022 (SoE in...
Read moreDetailsNew Delhi: Eminent cardiologist Dr Naresh Trehan, Medanta Chairman, on Wednesday said that performers go through stress and elevated blood pressure that could precipitate a heart attack. He urged people...
Read moreDetailsNew Delhi: The monkeypox virus is making headlines. A sudden rise in number of cases detected abroad, especially in Europe, has forced the Indian government to take notice. All international...
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