Bhubaneswar: The Twin City Commissionerate Police on Tuesday unearthed movable and immovable assets worth Rs 50 lakh of MBA student Trupti Ranjan Das, who was arrested a week ago for allegedly duping people by selling their vehicles on the OLX.
According to police sources, Das had deposits worth Rs 12 lakh in different banks. Apart from this, he had invested Rs 15 lakh in Hello Cab (a mobile app that offers passengers an innovative way to book luxury, consistent and reliable ground transportation around-the-clock at transparent and competitive rates) and Rs 12 lakh in a distribution firm (a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which goods or services passes until it reaches the final buyer or the end consumer).
The Commissionerate Police also said that Das was running eight agencies but was paying GST for only one.
Two days after his arrest on April 12, police had taken him on a 7-day remand. More than 40 cases pending against him in different police stations.