New Delhi: Supreme Court advocate and social activist Vineet Jindal on Friday filed a complaint against British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) over a documentary on Narendra Modi which has raised questions about his leadership as Gujarat chief minister during the 2002 riots.
“The people of the country chose PM Modi. There is a constitutional government in the country and this act of BBC News is a conspiracy to incite Muslims against Hindus not just in India but in the world. Therefore, it can be dangerous and action should be taken against it,” Jindal wrote on Twitter.
@vineetJindal19 filed complaint against BBC for attack on the integrity of the
country & the PM & deliberate act to provoke the Muslim community in India as well as all over the world against Hindus with @CPDelhi to lodging FIR U/S 121,153,153A &B, 295,298, and 505 of IPC.#bbcpm— Adv.Vineet Jindal (@vineetJindal19) January 20, 2023
Two decades ago, riots broke out after a train carrying Hindu pilgrims in Godhra was burnt. Over 1,000 people were killed, most of them Muslims.
The advocate said he filed the complaint — under sections 121,153,153A &B, 295,298, and 505 of IPC — against BBC for “attacking the integrity of the country.”
Jindal found the documentary to be a deliberate act to provoke Muslim community in India and rest of the world against Hindus.