Jodhpur: In another setback for Bollywood actor Salman Khan, a Sessions Court in Jodhpur reserved its decision of the bail plea of the actor till tomorrow (April 7). This means Salman will have to spend one more night in the jail.
Salman, who was found guilty in the blackbuck poaching case, was pronounced five-year jail term by a Jodhpur court yesterday (April 5). He was taken to Jodhpur Central jail, where he is currently lodged in barrack no 2 and as ‘Qaidi No 106.’
Since the jail term is more than three years, Salman’s lawyers had applied for bail in the Sessions court, which had scheduled the hearing for today. However, the Court heard the arguments and deferred the matter till tomorrow.
The actor is accused of killing two blackbucks while shooting for the movie “Hum Saath Saath Hain” in October 1998. His fellow co-actors Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Neelam and Sonali Bendre have been acquitted by the Court in the case. A local rwsident Dushyant Singh has also been acquitted.