Kochi: Kerala High Court on Monday temporarily deferred the Centre’s order to suspend telecast of Malayalam news channel MediaOne till Wednesday, the next date of hearing of the case.
The TV channel had gone off air at noon on Monday after the Union Information & Broadcasting ministry barred the channel citing “security reasons”.
Informing about the ban earlier in the day, Mediaone TV editor Pramod Raman had said in a statement that the news channel had started legal action against the ban.
Sources in Mediaone said the process of renewal of licence had been started before it had expired, The Indian Express reported.
It was learnt that the channel hadn’t obtained security clearance, hence the I & B ministry ordered it to be blocked.
In March 2020, the Union government had imposed a 48-hour ban on Mediaone TV on charges of violating provisions of Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1998 while reporting the Delhi riots.