COVID-19: European Nations That Have Reimposed Lockdowns

As the coronavirus cases have reached 48.1 million globally and with the death toll at 1.23 million till November 5, many countries have started reimposing lockdowns. England was the latest country to do so. While England enters its second lockdown from today, here are other major European countries that are currently under lockdown, partially or fully.

1. France 

The country, which has been reeling under recent ‘terror attacks’, imposed a new lockdown from October 30. People are allowed to set out only for work (that cannot be done from home), for medical assistance, to buy essential items and for one-hour of exercise. All non-essential shops, restaurants and bars have been closed. However, schools and creches remain operational. Social gatherings have also been banned. People wanting to go outside have to provide a written statement justifying their purpose of journey. The lockdown will stay in place till December 1, BBC reported.

2. Germany

Germany has been under partial lockdown since November 2, which will last till the end of the month. Like France, schools and creches are open here. Cinemas, theatres, gyms, pools and saunas have been shut, only takeaway food is allowed from restaurants and bars. Non-essential travel has been discouraged. No large assemblies are allowed, but church services and protests are permitted, a BBC report said.

3. Italy 

Italy imposed further restrictions from November 4. Museums, across the country, have been closed. The limit on public transport has been reduced from 80% to 50%. As per a BBC report, the country will be further divided into red, orange and green zones, and accordingly, the level of restrictions will be applicable. Masks are a must at all public places.

4.  Spain

After the government declared a new state of emergency, Spain, on October 25, imposed a nationwide curfew. People are allowed to go out for work, buy medicines or for caring for the elderly or children. Public and private gatherings cannot involve more than six people. The state of emergency will last till early May 2021. People have to stay at home between 11 pm at night and 6 am in the morning, except in Canary Islands, BBC reported.

Other European countries that have shut their regions fully or partially include Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Denmark and so on.

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