Bhubaneswar: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India will present Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik with a “Hero to Animals Award” for his compassionate act of allocating Rs 54 lakh for to feeding animals during the lockdown period.
The CM will receive a framed certificate and a letter of appreciation from PETA India.
“Community animals depend on restaurant waste and hand outs; so in a lockdown, if they are not fed, they would starve and suffer,” said PETA India CEO Dr Manilal Valliyate. “We’re thankful to Honourable Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik Ji for allocating funds to ensure that community animals do not go hungry,” he added.
Notably, the CM had allocated Rs 54 lakh from the Odisha Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to feed animals in five municipal corporations and 48 municipalities of Odisha during the lockdown.