New Delhi: In the latest development in the Rs 200 crores extortion case, Delhi’s Patiala House court has granted bail to Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez. Announcing this on Tuesday, the court asked the actress to sign a bail bond of Rs 2 lakh. Fernandez had sought bail claiming that there was no need for her custody since the investigation is already complete and the charge sheet has also been filed.
#UPDATE | Bail granted to Actor Jacqueline Fernandez in Rs 200 crores money laundering case on furnishing of a personal bond of Rs. 2 lakh and one surety in the like amount.
— ANI (@ANI) November 15, 2022
In a conversation with CNN News18, Jacqueline’s lawyer shared that the actress will also be filing an application seeking discharge in the money laundering case.
It may be recalled that the Bollywood diva is at the centre of an Enforcement Directorate (ED) probe in connection with the case. Last week, during the actress’ bail plea hearing, the court told the counsels that they want to go to trial in the case soon. Not just this, but the Delhi court also pulled up ED over not arresting Fernandez yet. “Why haven’t you arrested Jacqueline yet despite issuing a LOC? Other accused are in jail. Why adopt a pick-and-choose policy?” the court asked.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has also summoned Jacqueline Fernandez several times in connection with the case. She was also named as an accused for the first time in the supplementary charge sheet. The central agency believes that Jacqueline was aware of conman Sukesh being an extortionist. Earlier, ED also claimed that even the actress’ family and friends ‘benefitted’ from her alleged relationship with Sukesh.
Later, the Sri Lankan beauty filed her response to the central agency and claimed that she was also ‘a victim of the modus operandi adopted by Sukesh’. Jacqueline further alleged that the case built against her is baseless.