New Delhi: Jailed gangster Tillu Tajpuriya was killed in an attack by rival gang members inside Delhi’s Tihar Jail this morning. He was the prime conspirator in Delhi’s 2021 Rohini Court shootout in which gangster Jitender Gogi was killed. The preliminary autopsy report said the body had 92 wound marks. Tillu Tajpuriya, alias Sunil Mann, was thrashed with sharp-edged weapons allegedly by gangster Yogesh Tunda and his aides in the high-security prison, officials said. He was taken to Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, where he was declared dead, according to reports.
Another prisoner, Rohit, was also injured in the attack. He is said to be out of danger now.
Yogesh Tunda, Deepak Teetar, Riyaj Khan and Rajesh, broke the iron grills of their ward on the first floor of the prison. They attacked Tillu, who had been kept in a ground floor ward with his other gang members, with the same rods. The four members of the rival Gogi gang used bedsheets to climb down to the ground floor, NDTV reported quoting police.
In September 2021, two members of the Tillu gang, dressed as lawyers, shot dead Jitender Gogi inside the Rohini court. Both were then killed in retaliatory firing by the police. “Two men dressed as lawyers opened fire at Jitender Gogi inside the court. That’s when police retaliated and killed those two assailants. It’s not a gang war,” police had told NDTV.
The shooting was the result of a rivalry of years between Jitender Gogi’s gang and the Tillu gang. The instruction to kill Jitender Gogi was given on the phone by Tillu Tajpuriya, police was quoted as saying.