New Delhi: Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan has been rather discreet about his next movie after ‘Dunki’. But in a recent video, he might have accidentally leaked the title of his next film. While Shah Rukh had hinted that there is a project in the making, he’s been coy about the details. Multiple reports have claimed that he is working on a film titled King and it co-stars his daughter, actress Suhana Khan. Although SRK hasn’t confirmed the news, his new video seemingly confirmed the reports.
Shah Rukh shared a video with Cannes to congratulate cinematographer Santosh Sivan on receiving the prestigious Pierre Angenieux Excel Lens award at the Cannes Film Festival. While SRK’s message moved fans, many noticed that the script of King was placed on the table beside Shah Rukh. The script featured the title of the film along with a few, unclear details. Soon, the video went viral with many preparing themselves for another blockbuster in the making.
Shah Rukh Khan congratulates Santosh Sivan on receiving the prestigious Pierre Angenieux Excel Lens award at Cannes. 🌟✨@iamsrk #ShahRukhKhan #SantoshSivan#KingKhan #cannes2024 #PierreAngenieuxExcelLens
#CannesFilmFestival #AwardWinner
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) May 28, 2024
King is rumoured to be in the making for a few months now. Filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh is reportedly helming the project. Siddharth Anand’s Marflix Pictures (known for producing Fighter), has come on board as one of the producers. Initially, Shah Rukh Khan was set to appear in a prominent cameo role. However, recent developments indicate that he will instead serve a leading role alongside his daughter, Suhana Khan, according to a News18 report.
Earlier, according to a report in Pinkvilla, it was revealed that “Siddharth Anand and Sujoy Ghosh have been constantly in touch with Shah Rukh Khan and Suhana Khan with multiple meetings from October 2023 to February 2024. Sujoy is meticulously working on the script with Sid and SRK. Designing world-class action sequences rests fully on Siddharth.”
Speaking about the film’s plot, a source added, “The flavour of action in King will be very different from what SRK has done in Pathaan and Jawan. This one would be sleek, with a lot of chase sequences. However, the core plot is emotional and driven by the story. It has lots of twists and turns, which is the reason why Sujoy has been bestowed with the responsibility of direction.”