New Delhi: Arun Kumar Sinha, Director of Special Protection Group (SPG) passed away on Wednesday after a brief illness. A 1988 Kerala cadre IPS officer, Sinha was recently given a one-year extension, News18 reported.
SPG is entrusted with the task of providing proximate security to the Prime Minister of India, former Prime Minister and their immediate family members. Since its inception in 1985, SPG is providing security to its protectees at their office and residence, during local functions and during internal as well as external tours.
According to the group’s website, in view of the prevailing security environment in the country and the threats emanating from transnational terrorism, the force has to constantly strive towards technological modernization and skill upgradation. The future is bound to demand constant changes in our organisation, in our administrative system, in our recruitment process and in our training. Protecting the SPG protectees on a 24×7 basis for years continuously makes this unique force versatile.