New Delhi: Responding to a photo of Jacqueline Fernandez and conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, which went viral a couple of weeks ago, the latter has written a letter to his lawyer expressing his displeasure. In the photo, Sukhesh was seen kissing Jacqueline on her nose.
The actress’s name came up in the Rs 200 crore extortion case in which Chandrashekhar is involved. The conman is in prison. In an alleged letter written to his own lawyer and the media, he claims that the circulation of these private and personal photographs is a breach of privacy. Sukesh also said in the letter that he was in a relationship with Jacqueline and gifts to her were out of love, India Today reported.
In his letter to the media, conman Sukesh wrote, “It’s really sad and disturbing to see private pictures being circulated, which I have got to know through news the whole of last week. It’s a complete violation of one’s privacy and personal space. As I have mentioned before I and Jacqueline were in a relationship. Seeing each other and the relationship was not based on any kind of monetary benefits like the way its projected, commented and trolled in a bad light. The relationship has lots of love and respect for each other without any expectations. Kindly requesting everyone to stop projecting her in a bad way, as it’s not easy on her, who has only loved without expecting anything. I have mentioned before that she has no involvement in the ongoing money-laundering case.”
“I have gifted her things and done things for her family, are normal things one would do for his loved one in a relationship. Its personal I don’t understand why its being bade such a big deal. At the same time, I would like to again certain that none of this was “proceedings of so called crime”. It’s all from legitimate earnings and the same would be proved in the court of law very soon.”
“I kindly request everyone to stop looking at this a wrong way and insist please show her lots of love and support as she is not wrong in any way except loving without any expectations,” he concluded.
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