Bhubaneswar: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday announced provisional attachment of Rs 8.82 crore worth assets of the aides of gangster brothers Sushil and Sushant Dhal Samanta.
The persons whose assets have been attached are Bharat Bhusan Swain, Siba Cocchi, Krushna Chandra Das, Sangramjit Nath and Sarat Kumar Sahoo. The attached properties include both land and buildings in
Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.
The anti-corruption wing has issued the attachment order under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002.
Earlier in March this year, the ED had attached the properties, including a house at CDA in Cuttack and bank deposits amounting to Rs 3.5 crore, of Dhal Samanta siblings worth Rs 8.20 crore.
The duo was arrested on January 29 last year from Pokhariput here on murder and money laundering charges.
While Sushant has been lodged at Jharapara Jail, his younger brother is at Balasore Jail.