Sundargarh/Keonjhar: People of villages of Keonjhar district are spending sleepless nights with a herd of rampaging elephants creating panic in the area.
According to sources, a herd of elephants strayed into Kuliposh village under Bonai Kulipsosh Forest Range and damaged standing crop.
The herd, comprising seven elephants, also entered human habitation and damaged crops and vegetables at Kela, Gadaposha, Nuadihi, Bhangadihi, Kuthagaan.
On being informed, the Forest Department officials reached the spot and have been trying to drive the herd out with the help of villagers.
Stone mining in Keonjhar disrupted movement of elephants in Telakoi-Palalhada corridor. Since the elephants are unable to take the corridor, they stray into the human habitations.
“The elephants use the corridor to travel from one forest to another. They have been straying into the villages unable to take the route. A woman recently survived an elephant attack,” said Pandab Patra, a villager.
Telkoi Forest Range Officer Pitambar Nayak said elephants stray into human habitation in search of food. “Efforts are on to drive them away,” he added.