Nagpur: Over 1,000 security personnel, including Nagpur Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar and other senior officials, were on their toes the entire day, following a complaint of gang rape by a 19-year-old woman. The woman lodged the complaint at Kalamna police station around 11 am, officials said
It turned out to be a fake complaint, as all the woman wanted was to marry her boyfriend, The Indian Express reported quoting PTI.
After going through the footage of more than 250 CCTVs across the city, the investigators arrived at the conclusion that she had cooked up the gang rape story.
Earlier, the woman in her police complaint alleged that she was raped by two persons in an isolated area near Chikhali area. She claimed that the duo came in a white coloured van and asked her about the road to Butibori when she was going to attend a music class in Ramdaspeth area in the morning, the report added.
She further told the police that the men then forcibly took her into the van and covered her face with a cloth. The abductors took her to an isolated place and allegedly raped her. Sensing the gravity of the matter, the city police immediately launched a probe into it.
After more than six hours of hectic efforts and questioning of over 50 people, the police concluded that the woman had concocted the gang-rape story.