Bhubaneswar: In the wake of the devastating flood in Kerala, the Odisha government has sent a team of personnel of the Odisha Fire Disaster and Rescue Service to take up relief and rescue operations in the flood-hit areas.
The 243-member team comprising 225 Fire Services personnel, 15 supervisors and three officers will leave for Kerala in a special flight IL-76, carrying state-of-the-art equipment and 75 power boats, underwater equipments, 10 tower lights, power saws, solar search lights, three tents, 137 life bodies, 31 lifelines, 30 sleeping mats, 2 aggronites, 6 tent covers and two compressors.
The team, which was flagged off by the
Director General, Fire Service & Commandant General, Home Guards & Director Civil Defence, BK Sharma, will reach Kerala in the afternoon.
Director General, Fire Service & Commandant General, Home Guards & Director Civil Defence, BK Sharma, will reach Kerala in the afternoon.
Talking to mediapersons here, Sharma said on the request of the central government, the Odisha government has decided to send a team of the state’s Fire Service personnel to Kerala. The team will leave in a special aircraft.
“This is a moment of pride for the Odisha Fire Service. Our Fire Service personnel had earned immense praise for their commendable job in the relief and rescue operations in Andhra Pradesh during Cyclone Hudhud. I hope that our Fire personnel would live up to their reputation and play a major role in the relief and rescue operations in Kerala,” he added.