Mumbai: Retired Wing Commander Namrita Chandi, who trained with former IAF pilot Gunjan Saxena, has accused the makers of ‘Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl’ of peddling lies.
While criticising the portrayal of the IAF in the film, which was released on Netflix on August 12, in an open letter, she said, “Srividya Rajan was the first lady pilot who flew to Kargil – not Gunjan. Though, I am certain that Srividya has no complaints about this credit being taken away from her,” she wrote.
The letter was published in Outlook on Saturday.
Namrita further wrote, “I have myself served as a helicopter pilot and I have never faced the kind of abuse and maltreatment as was portrayed in the movie. In fact, men in uniform are true gentlemen and professionals.” She wrote that she trained together with Gunjan, and saw “each other under the worst of circumstances.”
She wrote that both her letter and the film, which she described as ‘monstrous’, have little to do with Gunjan.
Earlier, the IAF had complained to the Central Board of Film Certification and Dharma Productions about its undue negative portrayal in the film.
Also Read: NCW Chief Asks ‘Gunjan Saxena’ Makers To Apologise, Discontinue Screening Of Film