New Delhi: The December 9 of Bollywood stars Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal is perhaps the biggest event at the fag end of the year. Amidst the predictable scramble for photographs comes news that the couple has reportedly been offered Rs 100 crore by an OTT platform for exclusive access to their wedding footage, reported Pink Villa.
Celebrity couples in the West willing to sell their wedding footage to the paparazzi is quite common but it remains to be seen if Katrina and Vicky will take the bait.
The Pink Villa quoted sources as saying: “It is a common trend in the West for celebrities to sell off their wedding footage and images to magazines and at times even channels, as there are a lot of fans who wish to witness all that happened in the life-changing event of their idol. The streaming giant is planning to bring in the same trend in India too and to kick off their wedding franchise, they have offered Rs 100 crore to Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal.”
If both agree, to the deal, their wedding will reportedly be presented as a feature film on the OTT platform. Aside from containing footage of the events, it will also feature exclusive interviews of family, friends, etc.