New Delhi: Twinkle Khanna brought back her social media alter ego, Baba Twinkdev, for another online gyaan session. On Thursday, the former actor asked her followers about the importance of toilet habits in a relationship. According to her, before we fall in love, we forget that we have to share a bathroom later with our significant other as well. Twinkle also asked for responses from her followers and got back some amusing replies
Dressed up in a pink printed shirt with yellow sunglasses, Twinkle stated on Instagram, “Baba Twinkdev shares some Thursday gyaan. People, fascinated by pleasing features and a nice laugh, frequently forget that they have to also share toilets and not just beds. How important are toilet habits when it comes to love ? Let me know in the comments below.” The author used a colourful scarf as a headband in the accompanying photo.
She also attached a quote which proclaimed, “It All Goes Down The Toilet – The only way to stay in love with the same person for the rest of your life is by dying quickly. I reckon it should be just about a week after you start noticing that the toilet seat is always up. – Baaba Twinkdev.”
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One follower wrote, “The main secret to my happy marriage is that my husband and I use separate bathrooms (upside down face emoji).” Another Instagram user added, “So important that I do not share my toilet even with my children.” Yet another user shared, “Water is better than Tissue paper.”
Twinkle, wife of actor Akshay Kumar turned author with her first book, Mrs Funnybones. She followed it up with an anthology of stories titled The Legend Of Lakshmi Prasad, which was released in 2017, and the fiction novel Pyjamas Are Forgiving, which came out the following year. She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts from Goldsmiths at the University of London.