NEW DELHI: In his debut podcast, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was a human and not a God. The PM has recorded his first podcast, hosted by Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath. It is likely to be released on Friday. But the trailer has gone viral in which the PM is seen talking on various topics. Modi recalls a speech as Gujarat Chief Minister in the podcast in which he says: “I will not shy away from hard work. I will not do anything for myself. I am human, capable of making mistakes, but I will never do anything wrong with bad intentions.”
An enjoyable conversation with @nikhilkamathcio, covering various subjects. Do watch…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 10, 2025
“I am also a human not God,” the PM said in the trailer. The PM also advocates for good people to enter politics. He emphasised that good people should come into politics with a mission and not ambition.
Sharing the trailer on X, Modi wrote, “I hope you all enjoy this as much as we enjoyed creating it for you!”
Takeaways from the trailer:
- The Prime Minister acknowledged the new experience of podcasts. “This is my first podcast, I don’t know how it’ll go with your audience,” he says.
- “I said something in an insensitive way. Mistakes happen. I am human, not a God,” he says as he recalls his tenure as Gujarat CM.
- “I will not shy away from hard work. I will not do anything for myself. I am human, capable of making mistakes, but I will never do anything wrong with bad intentions,” he says.
- On his childhood, Modi says, “I used to wash the clothes of all my family members. Because of that, I was allowed to go to the pond.”
- He urged good people to enter politics with a mission, not with ambition.