New Delhi: In a rare occurrence, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)- Bombay received a donation of $18.6 million (Rs 160 crore) from an alumnus who doesn’t want his identity to be revealed. The donation from the anonymous source came for the establishment of a Green Energy and Sustainability Research (GESR) Hub.
The funds allocated to the GESR Hub will support research in vital domains like solar photovoltaics, battery technologies, clean-air science, flood forecasting, and carbon capture. The establishment of this hub underscores our dedication to tackling climate challenges through cutting-edge research, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, and nurturing entrepreneurial endeavours.
The GESR hub will be situated within a modern academic facility on the IIT Bombay Campus in suburban Powai. In addition, the research centre will offer industry-specific educational training and foster strategic partnerships with international universities and corporations.