New Delhi: After Prabal Gurung who designed Alia Bhatt’s outfit for Met Gala 2023, another Indian designer, Priyanka Mallick is in the news. She has designed outfits for King Charles III and Queen Camilla for the King’s coronation ceremony, which is scheduled for May 6.
Their outfits will be made by Priyanka Mallick with local input and stylists from London. According to reports, the Queen will wear a red dress, while the King will sport a broach. Hailing from West Bengal, the Indian designer also received a letter from the British Royal family. She was praised by the Queen of Consort, who mentioned her as a ‘very talented artist’.
Priyanka Mallick got an appreciation from the Queen for her dress. In the letter, she said, “I would like to thank you, on behalf of The Queen Consort, for so kindly sending your lovely dress design. Her Majesty was touched that you would think of her in this way and would have me thank you for taking the time to send us your sketches. You are a very talented artist. This comes with The Queen Consort’s warmest thanks.”