New Delhi: As ‘Pathaan’ entered the Rs 500 crore club worldwide in just five days, the star cast, including Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham finally decided to address the media and celebrate their success at a press meet in Mumbai. Among other things, Shah Rukh spoke about the possibility of Pathaan 2. He was also all praise for John, who has essayed a negative role in the film.
Shah Rukh assured that if Siddharth comes up with a sequel, he will be ‘bigger and better’. Since Pathaan is a part of YRF’s spy universe, the audience can expect the second part too. “Inshaallah whenever he (Sid) wants me to do Pathaan 2, I’ll be bigger and better. I just want to say thank you to him and Adi for giving me Pathaan, and whenever they want me for the sequel I’ll try and give it my best,” he said.
“The film was shot during Covid. Everybody has shown so much kindness to the film. We are extremely grateful to the audience. We thank you (audience) on behalf of our team for bringing life back to the big screen,” SRK said.
For Deepika he said, “You know me and Deepika just need an excuse to romance, to hug, to kiss. So any question you ask me, I will just kiss Deepika Padukone’s hand and that will be the answer.”
On Pathaan’s box office crores he said, “I don’t think we set out to break records, we set out to make a film with love and right intentions and most importantly, we had a good time. This is what Shah Rukh taught me on my very first movie.”
Shah Rukh Khan also spoke about his Sunday ritual in which he makes an appearance on the terrace of his Mumbai home Mannat and waves to the fans who gather outside. “”I was told when something doesn’t work, go to those who love you. I am very fortunate that I have millions who give me love. When I am happy, I come to my balcony, when I am sad, I come to the balcony,” he said, adding an SRK flourish – “I am fortunate to have been given a permanent balcony ticket.”