Kolkata: A movie poster showing Goddess Kaali smoking a cigarette has created quite a stir on social media. Reacting to it, All India Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra on Tuesday said, “Kaali to me, is a meat-eating, alcohol-accepting goddess. You have the freedom to imagine your goddess. There are some places where whiskey is offered to gods and in some other places it would be blasphemy,” Moitra said, at the India Today Conclave East 2022.
“When you go to Sikkim, you will see that they offer whiskey to Goddess Kaali. But if you go to Uttar Pradesh, and if you tell them that you offer whiskey to the goddess as ‘prasad’, they will call it blasphemy,” said Moitra.
The poster of the documentary film at the centre of the row recently went viral on social media with several people saying that it was an insult to the Hindu goddess and hurt religious sentiments.
Filmmaker Leena Manimekalai shared the poster of the film on social media. It depicts a woman dressed in the costume of Goddess Kaali. She is seen smoking a cigarette in the photo. Along with the trishul (trident), and sickle, the actor playing the goddess is shown wielding the LGBTQ+ community’s pride flag.