Mumbai: Actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut claimed to have received death threats ahead of the release of her film Emergency. The actor plays the role of former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, in the film, which is slated to be released on September 6.
The actor reshared a video post on her X handle. The video was initially posted by another user on X. In the clip, a man can be heard saying, “Aap ye picture release karte ho toh sardaaron ne aapko chappal maarni hai. Laafa toh aapne kha liya. (If you release this picture, then you will have to be thrashed with slippers by sardars.) The voice further stated: “I’m a very proud Indian. If I spot you anywhere in my country and in my Maharashtra, I’m saying this, not just as a Sikh and a proud Marathi, but all my Hindu, Christian and Muslim brothers will also welcome you with chappals.”
Please look in to this @DGPMaharashtra @himachalpolice @PunjabPoliceInd
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 26, 2024
The BJP MP sought help from police in this regard.
Song out on 26.8.2024.#emergency
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 24, 2024
Earlier, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) and the Akhal Takht had demanded an immediate ban on the movie. They claimed that Ranaut’s film is an attempt to “character assassinate” the Sikhs.