New Delhi: The Commissioner of Kanpur, Raj Shekhar, shared this picture on Twitter of him cooking poha. But Twitterati was quick to point out that the gas burner was ‘unlit’. Here’s how Netizens reacted:
Also thank you for sending a strong message to the government for making cooking gas so unaffordable that cooking can be done without it, the heat instead of the stove comes from collective anger. 😄
— Priyanka Chaturvedi🇮🇳 (@priyankac19) December 20, 2021
Who cooks in suit ???
BTW gas needs to be lit…— Ajoy Chakraborty (@AjoyC5) December 19, 2021
The stove is off. Airpods are on. A typical Indian bureaucrat.
— Pracool (@thehighmonk) December 19, 2021