Popular TV show host and comedian Kapil Sharma is all set to go on a mini break. Kapil’s wife Ginni Chatrath is pregnant with their first child and the comedian is planning a ‘babymoon’ to spend some quality time with her.
Due to Kapil’s busy schedule, the couple couldn’t go for a proper honeymoon. This will be their first vacation after their wedding. According to reports, Kapil and Ginni – who are expecting their baby in December – will be off to Canada for a ten-day vacation.
Fans of The Kapil Sharma Show need not worry, however. Kapil will shoot for his episodes in advance so that his work doesn’t get affected much.
Kapil married his college sweetheart Ginni on December 12 last year and the two are excited about entering the new phase in their life. Kapil is trying to spend as much time as possible with wife and the happy dad-to-be is accompanying the expectant mom to shopping and is taking good care of her.
Here’s wishing the soon-parents-to-be the very best.