Bhubaneswar: Odisha Chief Secretary Suresh Chandra Mahapatra on Tuesday interacted with high officials of the industrial houses in one-to-one meeting at investor’s meet in Mumbai in the run-up to Make in Odisha Conclave.
Mahapatra explained the industrial eco-system in Odisha with enabling policies, unique subsidy supports and hand-holding institutional support from inception to the commissioning and to ever growing continuance.
He also appraised them about the wide range of scopes available in various sectors for rewarding investments. “The state government under the leadership of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has created excellent infrastructure, readily available land bank, quality power supply, sector specific industrial zones with ease of doing business normative patterns and above all, peaceful socio-political scenario,” he said.
Representatives of around 15 big industrial houses including IMP Power, Thysenkruup India, Crisil Ltd, Rochem Separation System, NALCO and partner companies interacted with the chief secretary. They also expressed their intent of investment in Odisha.
Mohapatra requested them to attend the interactive session with the Chief Minister and also ensuing Make in Odisha Conclave at Bhubaneswar. Principal Secretary, Industry Hemant Kumar Sharma coordinated and conducted the interactive sessions in the series.