New Delhi: Even as he was being interrogated by Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials for the second successive day in the National Herald money-laundering case, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday mocked the Narendra Modi government’s promise of 10 lakh jobs in a year and a half.
In a tweet in Hindi, Rahul said this is a government of not ‘jumlas’, but ‘maha jumlas’.
“Just like eight years ago the youth were deceived with a promise of two crore jobs every year, in the same manner it is now the turn of 10 lakh government jobs. This is a government of not ‘jumlas’ but ‘maha jumlas’,” Rahul wrote.
He added that the Prime Minister is not an expert at creating jobs, but in creating “news” over jobs.
The Prime Minister’s Office tweeted earlier in the day that Modi had directed various government departments and ministries to undertake recruitment of 10 lakh people in the next one-and-a-half years.
Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala also took a swipe at the government.
“The promise was to provide two crore jobs every year and 16 crore jobs were to be given in eight years. Now they are saying they will only provide 10 lakh jobs by year 2024. Sixty lakh posts are lying vacant in governments. Thirty lakh posts are lying vacant in the central government,” he tweeted.