New Delhi: Actor Kangana Ranaut claims that she was the first actor to fight for pay parity in the industry and said that many female actors do films for free even now. She also claimed to be the only female actor to be paid like the male actors. She was reacting to a video of Priyanka Chopra on her Instagram Stories, where she talked about pay parity in Bollywood.
In the small clip, Priyanka opened up about how she ‘never had pay parity in Bollywood’, even after doing around 60 films. She also revealed that she was paid about 10% of what the male actor would get paid. Sharing her perspective on the matter, Kangana wrote a note in the caption.
Kangana said, “It’s true women before me simply submitted to these patriarchal norms… I was the first one to fight for pay parity and most disgusting thing that I faced while doing this that my contemporaries offered to work for free on the same roles that I was negotiating for… I can say with confidence most A listers (women) do films for free along with offering other favours because they fear roles will go to the right people… and then shrewdly release articles that they are highest paid ha ha…”
Kangana further added that she is the only female actor in the film industry who gets paid equally as the male actors. She concluded by saying, “In the film industry everyone knows that I only get paid like male actors and no one else… and they have no one else to blame atleast now…”
Kangana and Priyanka had starred in the 2008 film Fashion, for which both of them were conferred with National Film Awards.