Bhubaneswar: BJP leader and Bhubaneswar MP Aparajita Sarangi on Tuesday visited the daily market near Ganesh Mandap in Jharpada here, which was demolished by civic authorities recently, and met the affected traders.
Aparajita demanded monetary compensation for the traders, who have lost their livelihood, from the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC). She also asked the civic authorities to rehabilitate the vendors at an alternative place within seven days.
“The BMC should have started its work on a positive note and not by demolishing a market,” she said, referring to the election of new office-bearers to the civic body in the recently held polls.
“It’s the duty of everyone to beautify the capital city. But it shouldn’t be at the cost of inconveniencing people,” she added.
Over 430 vendors have been affected by the demolition drive. “We will support and cooperate in the development work. The state government should come up with a new market complex within one or two years. And all the 430 evicted vendors should be allotted shops in the new market complex on a priority basis,” she said.