Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday released the book titled “Gajapati: A king without A Kingdom”, written by Ashok Bal.
The book that deals with the history of Gajapatis from Suryavanshi Gajapati Kapilendra Deb highlights the unique association between Gajapati kings and Lord Jagannath.
Ganga king Chodaganga Deb held Lord Jagannath as the supreme ruler and the remarkable association of Gajapati as Adyasevak is a unique aspect of the relationship between the Lord and the royalty.
The distinct linkage based on the doctrine of surrender and subordination was an innovative experiment in statecraft which helped in securing continued trust of people and expanding the kingdom.
Kapilendra Dev’s regime witnessed the pinnacle of Odia glory and grandeur when the kingdom stretched from river Ganges to river Cauvery.
After Ganga kings, title of Gajapati was adorned by Kapilendra Deb and his successors . The practice is followed till date.
“The long history of Gajapati is an important regional history which people ought to know. There is a need to bring historical facts and facets into public domain. A rich history deserves attention of students, teachers and general public. Bal’s attempt to present and project the tradition and its myriad narratives is a praiseworthy attempt,” said the chief minister on the occasion.