New Delhi: American singer, Nick Jonas, who is married to Indian actress Priyanka Chopra, recently said he would be raising his daughter Malti Marie Jonas with both, the Hindu and Biblical principles. Nick mentioned he has learnt a lot about Hinduism from his wife Priyanka and it is ‘inspiring’ for him.
During his latest appearance on Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard, with brothers Joe and Kevin Jonas, Nick talked about his relationship with God. He said, “I have a deep and meaningful relationship with God but God has taken many different shapes than what I just read in one book now. And marrying an Indian woman who is Hindu, I have learned so much about that religion and faith that it is so inspiring. We are raising a child who is gonna have elements of Biblical principles and also from the Hindu faith.”
Nick and Priyanka gave birth to their daughter Malti through surrogacy in 2022. They got married in 2018. On his experience of being a father, Nick had earlier told Variety, “I think it’s now about trying to be as present as possible and as thoughtful as you can be for your family, but also for other people’s journeys. I’m so grateful for (Malti Marie) and the wonderful perspective of being a parent.”
During the podcast, Nick also shared why he feels finding a partner for oneself is ‘crucial’. He said, “Finding ourselves and then finding someone that you can share that with, is so crucial.”
The singer added, he and his brothers, despite their busy schedules, make sure to take time out for their family and children. He said, “We have these amazing experiences together and obviously, we’re family. But what’s more valuable is that we really invest in the time at home with our other halves and our children, to have something to give in the work Otherwise, it’s all one thing.”
Nick met Priyanka in 2016 and after knowing each other for two years, they officiated their relationship. Now, both of them speak highly of each other’s family and culture.