Now Arrest Must For Drunk Driving In Odisha’s Twin Cities!

Bhubaneswar: Police can no longer compound offences in drunken driving cases.

Principal Secretary of Commerce and Transport Department, Madhu Sudan Padhi, has asked Commissionerate Police to spare none and arrest drunk drivers in the twin cities of Bhubaneswar and Cuttack under the amended Motor Vehicle Act-2019.

The directive came after a young woman was caught driving on the wrong side under the influence of alcohol in the Odisha capital but allowed to go after being fined Rs 500 under Odisha Urban Police Act.

Also Read: Drunk Girl’s Midnight Brawl With Cops In Bhubaneswar

The Principal Secretary demanded an investigation to find out the circumstances under which the driver was allowed to compound the offence.

Padhi also clarified that the power for compounding under Section 185 of the MV Act has not been delegated to the police officers.

Legal Implications

According to Section 185 of the MV Act, the first offence for driving or attempting to drive under the influence of drinks and drugs is imprisonment for a term, which may extend to six months, or with a fine of Rs 10,000 or with both; and for a second or subsequent offence, the term of imprisonment may extend to two years or fine of Rs 15,000 or both.



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