Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday launched the process for allotment of 20 lakh concrete houses by handing over Pucca Ghar Jogyata Adhikar Card (Eligibility Guarantee Card for Concrete House) to nine beneficiaries on the occasion of the 104th birth anniversary of former Chief Minister Biju Patnaik.
“Biju Babu had a long-cherished dream of a decent roof over the head of every citizen of his state. We are happy to have come a long way in fulfilling his dream. We have already provided 25 lakh pucca houses to the beneficiaries and set a target to provide another 20 lakh houses in the next four years. I am very happy for launching the distribution of the pucca ghar entitlement cards on the birth anniversary of Biju Babu today,” the Chief Minister said while addressing the state-level Panchayati Raj Divas function at the Lok Seva Bhawan here.
The Chief Minister hoped that the beneficiaries will construct the pucca houses in time.
Stating that his government has taken several steps to strengthen the Panchayati Raj system in the state to empower the people, the Chief Minister said that the state government will celebrate March 5 as the Panchayati Raj and Lok Seva Divas from next year.