Bhubaneswar: Digital media house Odisha Diary on Friday announced the winners of Odisha Living Legend, Youth Inspiration Awards for 2018, which will be conferred on November 16 in the state capital. Inspiring individuals from different segments of Odisha society such as poet Padma Bhushan Ramakanta Rath, film director and screenwriter Sisir Mishra, Kenyan Parliamentarian Dr Swarup Ranjan Mishra, international sprinter Dutee Chand, Odisha-based Japanese Odissi dancer Masako Ono, iconic song Rangabati Lyricist Mitrabhanu Gauntia, Gountia Mohammad Jamiullah, Daitari Naik, Smile Foundation co-founder Santanu Mishra, Nagpuri Ramesh and J. K. Mohanty will receive the Odisha Living Legend Awards. The first National Living Legend Award 2018 will be given to Akshaya Patra Foundation Chairman Madhu Pandit Dasa, informed Editor and Founder of Odisha Diary and Odisha Diary Foundation, Rashmi Ranjan Parida. He also said the Living Legend Oration this year will focus on ‘Philanthropy in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.’
Odisha Youth Inspiration Awardees of 2018 include Saroj Das in social service, Bharat Majhi in literature, Rashmi Sahoo in business leadership and entrepreneurship, Sandeep Kumar Patnaik in public policy, Padmini Panigrahi art and culture, Pramod Bhagat, Elina Samantray, Dilip Sahoo, Subhojit Sahu, Naresh Mohapatra and Rudra Prasanna Rath.